Ladies and gentlemen, it’s rumor time! And this is a big one, so buckle up, Marvel fans, because this could be huge. Though, for now, we have to caution that the word “could” is doing a whole lot of work for the time being. It looks like Oscar-winner Denzel Washington (“Training Day,” “The Equalizer”) might potentially join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What’s more, he may help get the long-awaited “X-Men” reboot off the ground by taking on a key role as one of the most powerful mutants around.
According to Jeff Sneider on “The Hot Mic” podcast, Washington is potentially going to play Magneto in the forthcoming “X-Men” reboot, which is in development as we speak. While Sneider didn’t outright say that name, the journalist said it’s “totally possible that [Washington] could be playing an X-Men character,” before asking listeners to “do the leap.” Sneider then said he “definitely thinks Denzel could be the villain of X-Men.” So there we have it. Unless they want Washington as Mister Sinister, which seems far less likely, it’s easy to do the math here.
What we know for sure is that Washington already said openly that he’s going to have a role in “Black Panther 3,” which hasn’t even officially been announced yet. So he’s already clearly had talks with Marvel Studios. Is a deal finalized? Maybe not, but a character like Magneto seems like the perfect fit for this actor’s talents. After all, Ian McKellen, a highly respected actor, originated the role of Magneto in the first “X-Men” movie in 2000. It’s a meaty role.
Denzel Washington would set the X-Men up for success
Washington is coming off of a role in Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II,” which is now one of the biggest films of the actor’s impressive career. He’s one of the most respected people working in Hollywood today, so getting him in the “X-Men” would be a home run. It would also probably help to secure another A-lister to play Professor X opposite him. It’s very easy to see why Marvel Studios would want this, but would Washington?
When Washington mentioned his role in “Black Panther 3,” he also said, “I don’t know how many more films I’m gonna make, it’s probably not that many.” Would that make him the right choice for Magneto? As we know, Marvel Studios tends to want actors who will stick around for a while, and Magneto surely isn’t going to be a one-and-done. That complicates this rumor a bit. Washington is also a very busy man, with “The Equalizer 4” and “The Equalizer 5” on his to-do list.
For now, there is much to be determined. Would Magneto debut in “Black Panther 3” before appearing in an “X-Men” film? Does that make sense? The “X-Men” movie doesn’t have a director yet, but Marvel began developing the film in late 2023. We’ve also heard other casting rumors as of late, including that Washington could not be Magneto at all, but instead could be playing a character named Achebe, a Black Panther villain who creator Christopher Priest once referred to as “The Joker to [Black] Panther’s Batman” and that was inspired by Hannibal Lecter and “Die Hard” villain Hans Gruber. There’s smoke building, and in some form or another, fire figures to follow.
Is Washington’s good name going to help fuel that fire into a raging one? It would be one heck of a nice surprise, but until we hear something more official, don’t get your hopes up just yet.
The “X-Men” reboot remains without a release date, but stay tuned.